An Honest Talk with Mary Magdalene :
Freedom Through Christ Consciousness

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Mary Magdalene Workshops by Sheranda

Dear Sisters & Brothers

In my Mary Magdalene Workshops you will learn about the true life of Mary Magdalene. However, prepare yourself for more than just an understanding of her, that exposes Christian fear-based dogma, based in falsehoods. You will also get an introduction to metaphysical concepts like multi-dimensional selves, quantum physics, and Planetary Ascension. In the world today there is much fear and depression, due to the state of the world. As the planetary crisis worsens day by day, very few people understand that this planetary cleansing process must happen to birth the NEW Heaven on Earth!

I am a Mary Magdalene Educator who won't suggest that we fly to the South of France or Glastonbury with receive enlightement. I would like to, but I don't have that kind of money and if you don't as well, join me in my humble workshop designed to enlighten through education. The only prerequisite that I ask, is that you read by new book An Honest Talk with Mary Magdalene: Freedom Through Christ Conscoiusness. It will prepare you to gain the most knowledge and understanding from my workshop. The cost of my book in an E-book format is only $6.00. The cost of my three hour workshop is $25.00. Hope to see you there! On this day I am working on my plans for my next workshop. The most likely place, that I will conduct my next workshop is Weaverville California, my hometown. It is my hope to work with you, to plan the future dates and locations. I have the ability to travel to the folllowing cities: Ashland Oregon, Redding Calfornia, Arcata California, Eureka California, Mt Shasta California, Nevada City California, any city of the San Francisco Bay Area, any city of the Sacramento Area, and any city of the Santa Rosa or Marin County area.

If you and your friends would like to assist me in co-creating the specifics of time and place I would be most appreciative. I am hoping to raise interest in having people host my workshops in their own home, with the size of the group, no more than fifteen. Please e-mail Sheranda at if you would like to be a host. I will be posting my schedule very soon for my next workshop in my hometown of Weaverville, California. Please check back, when you can. Thank you and Namaste.

It's a crazy world out there, I am sure you would agree. From angry sick people to starving, suppressed people to those in fine houses on hills..............all over the world..............from survivalists, environmentalists, and political reform promoters..............all over the world.............there is fear and great concern for the world. As a concerned citizen and caring child of God I could spend many hours trying to discern what is true information from what is disinformation on the internet. From.........whether the Galactic Federation of Light will hover The Mothership over my city, to whether it is safe to eat my dinner because the latest report I read told me that my shimp is contaminated............I am tired and ready to throw in the trying to protect myself through knowing it all. What is truth............what is paranoia? Will the dark still control Washington? You know, I am aweful at playing chess and in these times you would have to be a master tourament winner to get all the facts straight. It's a total waste of my time and positive energy to get caught up in all the negative. The Obama victory was a huge confirmation to me that the LOVE of millions has the power to move mountains! However, how is that mountain of problems going to move? How can one man......the president of the United States of America, miraculously change the world? How do I know that he is not just another trick from the forces of darkness? I meditated on these thoughts for a long time. The beauty of the answer that was whispered in my ear, was this.............remember the law of manifestation. Remember the part about letting go and trusting.............remember the part about INTENT, and not worrying about THE HOW. Last year I wished for a new car that wasn't old, ugly and falling apart. I got into a major car accident and the insurance money paid for my new car. Myself and my three children walked away from the accident without a scratch. It's the best analogy that I can think of this morning, to describe the collective manifestation of the USA and the world regarding Obama's victory. In the end The WAY the manifestation of peace, love and abundance for all........comes about...........may be very different than what we would expect. Ultimately, it is only the end result that matters. Have faith, have faith, have faith, and forever trust in who you are................and that you stand in power and love for all. POWER TO THE PEOPLE. We stand united and the last part of the collective manifestation is to just let go! That is my cure for Conspiracy Theory Syndrome. This is Sheranda Tay, signing off...........peace out................ Blessings & Thanks on this Blessed Day!

Discernment Tips For These Crazy Times:

Tip 1: The age of Pisces is on the way out. Beware of people that use terms like Messiah. The savoir is within is you and it is for yourself. It is not your job to save someone else, through Jesus Christ or in any other way. If someone says their Messiah mission requires special admitance through them, question it, again and again. All are chosen and the choice is yours. The opportunity of Ascension is available for all!

Tip 2: The age of Pisces is on the way out. Beware of people claiming that an event called stasis, is going to occur soon, and that when people wake up after a hibernation, a huge amount of the world population will have died. These people you may find, are asking for your participation in a Messianic Mission, that they claim to be directing through the authority given to them by you know who, The Big JC. Question...question...question! The concept of stasis, I believe, relates to the 2012 planetary shift and contains some truth, but the concept has been greatly misunderstood by confusing messages of some lightworkers.

Tip 3: The new golden age of awakening will bring fantastic gifts and the veils are lifting gradually to reveal the truth that our space friends are here to help assist humanity through the Ascension. However, much confusion has resulted from people that are eager for all to be revealed. I know, I have been a little confused myself. However, as was stated in An Honest Talk with Mary Magdalene, the Galactic Federation/Ashtar Command will not be showing their ships, unless it is deemed most wise. At this point in time, it has been determined that it is not wise, and humanity as a whole is not ready, for an unveiling. First Contact, a term used to define the first showing of space ships, has been greatly misunderstood. Think of the changing of one age, to the next, like the changing of one color in a rainbow to another color. Through the color change you see a gradual changing of color, not a hard line from one color to the next. Many predictions of wonderful things like First Contact, are not going to happen out of their correct timing. It is the job of Lightworkers to prepare humanity, but not to get impatience and create confusion. If you feel drawn to a spaceship, or entity making an appearance to you, question, question, question. Always ask to be protected in the true Christ Light. Call upon Jesus Christ/Sananda, Archangel Michael, and Master Kuthumi, to protect you and guide you to truth.



Ashtar conducting a Twin Flame

Exercise of the Heart

"We would like to have this group, this wondrous group of empowered lightworkers, radiant beings, come together and you can call it a meditation or a prayer, if you wish. We call it an Exercise for the Heart. And we would like for us all, everyone present here in this room - can you see them all, can you sense them all? - to just join with each other and become a community of radiant beings, and do an exercise to empower the 12-12 for the entire planet and for the universe beyond, because as you probably have figured out by now, if you haven't received the information, what happens here in this room affects the entire planet and beyond. And what planet Earth does affect the entire solar system and the galaxy, and the universe beyond.

"It is most wondrous indeed, this carrying of the energies of the messages of Love and Joy. So let's just close our eyes and breathe deeply. Just breathe it in Beloveds. The air is so pure. It is so full of Love; just breathe it in deeply. And when you exhale, just know that this loving air has filled your fields and yet is increasing, even as it circulates through your being, and thus it goes back out into the room and the world beyond - Love, just Love and Joy. And let there be such Love and Joy circulating through you and that you in turn are sharing with the One we all are. It is delightful, it is joyful, and it is Love, pure Love.

"And now we're going to ask you to just take a little ride with us, and we can all join together in this journey, and if you will look in your mind's eye you might see, or sense at least, that there's a door in front of you. And it is a beautiful door, is it not? And it is all swirly with spirals of gold and silver and we're talking about real gold and silver, and they glitter and gleam and glow as they kind of dance in front of your eyes. See them dance.

"Now approach the door, and as you do it opens automatically. You are your own remote control button and when the door knows that you're coming it opens - and feel the delight! And by the way, you can either hold your [inner] child by the hand or carry him or her through that doorway.

"Your child is thrilled! Go through the doorway and you are in a most unique box, but it is an elevator. It's only box-shaped, but it is not the kind of box that is going to confine you; it's the kind of box that is going to take you up. It is unique because the walls are all crystal and it's as big or as small as you want it to be, but everybody can fit in.

"You know, we're all going on this journey together. Now you notice there are no buttons that need to be pushed, because as soon as everyone is in the door will close, and up, up, up we go.

"And let's raise yourself up, and by the way, the temperature inside is wonderful. Everyone has plenty of room. The air of Love is continuing to circulate, because you're breathing it in and breathing it out, and it's all fresh and pure and has almost a certain smell to it. And it might smell like gardenias to one, and it might smell like an old growth forest to another - so delightful it is to the senses.

"And as you come up in the elevator you sense that it's reaching its destination, and sure enough it comes gently to a stop, and the golden-silver door opens and out you come. And you will notice that there are beings around.

"And then a voice comes to you. It is the voice of an Angel and it is pure, and it is golden and beautiful. And the Angel says, 'I AM the representation of the male energy. My color is gold, and if you look closely you will see that, indeed, I glisten and gleam with gold. My Light Body is Gold.'

"And then see another Angel approaching. This one is most silvery. And the voice is that of a female, and the female says, 'I AM the representation of the female, the female energy, and I appear as Silver. And I AM here as part of the Twin Flame with the Gold."

"And the Gold says, 'Yes, Silver is my Twin Flame, and we are here to show you how easy it is to come together in Oneness of who you really are in all of your Divinity.' And as they walk toward each other, you can see that they actually merge.

"They are both equally present. They are both equally discernable, and yet they merge as One, and we see them surrounded now by the great White Light of the Christ. And you know it is the joining of the male and female. And now you become aware of the fact that you are being drawn toward another being or energy. Allow yourself to just go - allow yourself to go. And then you realize that that energy is within you.

"You may, however, feel a little bit like dancing and it is perfectly wondrous to do so. Become aware of the fact that whereas sometimes you felt more female, sometimes more male, you indeed had lifetimes of both. Now here you are, all together united. and it is so grand and it is so beautiful and it is so joyful because now you are together, united within yourself and see that - see that unity within your heart.

"See your heart, visualize it with a glistening, glimmering Gold and Silver dancing, and feel the lightness that you feel as you bubble up inside of your being. And now see that everyone who has come on that journey with you has the same - the same togetherness, the same empowerment, the same Joy that you're feeling. It's all Love, it's all Joy, it's all like a miracle within you.

"But you created the miracle, Beloved Ones! You answered the call to come on the journey. You've accepted the energies of the 12-12 to come within you, that you could indeed feel this re-union within your being. And feel the balance feel how perfect it is.

Feel the Joy, feel the Empowerment. Feel the energies of the higher dimensions, and know that you have taken a major, major step on your own Ascension path, and that you have also been a bridge for those to come, for those who do not know what to do with this 12-12 energy, let it radiate out to the world, this new wisdom, this new you, and share it that others may follow in your footsteps. Brave you are, Beloved Ones, to have stepped into that elevator, knowing not where you were going or what your mission was.

"And now you are thanked and congratulated. Listen closely. Feel or hear the hugs, the wondrous music, the sheer Joy at what you have done, because you have become the real, the real leaders in this most excellent and most sacred of ceremonies.

"This is an essential for Ascension. It is absolutely essential that each and every being do an exercise of this kind. And you, Beloved Ones, are blessed - beyond words. Feel the blessings and feel the Love. Hugs everywhere; Joy, Joy indeed, to the world and to the universe beyond.

"So Beloveds take a moment to just breathe it all in and feel how it feels, and know that you have made a major step forward on your path. And you are loved beyond words. And so it is! "

© Susan Leland 2008-2009. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.